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Thanks for your 2 cents worth, George! After All, The Constitution is just a god-damn piece of paper! |
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Rense-Maxwell 6-21-10 |
Rense-Cliff High 6-24-10 |
H2 Pure Brochure |
DeepRock Well |
BK-Walker-10-21656.pdf |
JC-2010-07-22 |
Dr.Mary Radio Star |
Dr.Mary's Handouts |
Gutenkauf KFYI - 10/13/10 |
Coast to Coast Joel Skousen |
Bernie Besherse Dinar - 01-30-11 |
Resident? Phil O'Neil |
02-17-11 Mary Sparrowdancer Deadly Fluoride |
02-21-11 Houston Tomasz Dangers In Water |
04-14-11 Dr. Bill Deagle Japan Nuclear Disaster Coming Here |
04-18-11 Dr. Bill Deagle Fukushima Worsening Global Nucleoside? |
04-18-11 Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. The Japan Radiation Threat |
04-21-11 Jordan Maxwell |
05-15-11 C2C - Blake Sawyer HR1 |
05-15-11 C2C - Blake Sawyer HR2 |
07-14-11 Jordan Maxwell |
07-14-11 Gerald Celente |
07-14-11 Jay Weidner |
01-26-13 Diane Kennedy C-Corps |
Crooked Judges | The Killshot | FAKE News! |
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